1. 我國學生參加在阿根廷舉辦的2014年國際國中科學奧林匹亞派對競賽,參賽6名選手獲1金5銀,國際排名第5名,與前四年都是派對國際排名第1相比,明顯退步,帶隊教授分析,可能是選手實驗題表現還有改進空間。
Taiwanese students attended the 2014 International Junior Science Olympiad hosted in Argentine and managed to obtain one gold medal and five silver ones, with the overall ranking of the fifth place. Compared to the past four years where Taiwan has been the champion consecutively, this is a marked regression. The leading professors analyzed that it may be caused by the lack of performance in experiment tasks.
2. 想出國留遊學的學子請注意,教育部本周六(13)起將在高雄、臺中舉辦兩場留遊學說明會,現場除了邀請多位留遊學青年分享學習派對經驗,還有消保官與專業人員提供各種獎學金及出國留學應注意事項諮詢派對服務,歡迎有意出國深造的青年學子踴躍到場參加,詳細說明會的時間地點可上網查詢。
Those with a mind to study abroad should note that this Saturday, the Ministry of Education will be hosting two orientation panels in Kaoshiung and Taichung. This panel will not only invite other students with such experience to share but also consumer officers and professional personnel to provide relevant information and counseling. The specific time and location of the orientation can be looked up online, please feel free to attend if you are planning to study abroad in the near future.
3. 中彰投地區第一個「青年職涯發展中心」,即將在今天(12)將揭牌啟用。勞動力發展署中彰投分署長陳瑞嘉表示,「青年職涯發展中心」是中彰投地區第一個專屬青年職涯派對探索、職涯諮詢、就業服務資訊、就業促進活動等多面向的服務場域;讓青年有歸屬感、可以彼此交流與互動的派對空間。
Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou districts revealed its first Youth Career Development center that will start running from today. The Workforce Development Agency Vice-Deputy Director Chen Rui Chia stated that this center is the first one in the district to dedicate to the development of career opportunities, career counseling, career information, career promotion among others to fully inform youths, allowing them to choose the best job for themselves. This makes job-seekers feel at home and it is a resourceful and interactive environment.
4. 「火雞肉飯」是嘉義市著名的庶民派對美食,今年的火雞肉飯節將在明天(13)登場,預計製作一碗重達700公斤,可供1000人品嘗的超大火雞肉飯,挑戰金氏世界記錄。嘉義市副市長李錫津表示,火雞肉油脂少,膽固醇低,是健康美食,歡迎民眾一起參與活動,見證挑戰成功的派對榮譽。
Turkey rice is a famous local delicacy in Chiayi and this year, they will be celebrating the Turkey rice day on the 13th. They are planning to make one humongous 700 kilogram bowl of turkey rice capable of feeding 1000 people, contesting for the Guinness World Records. The Chiayi vice mayor stated that turkey has low fat and cholesterol, making it a healthy food. Everyone is welcomed to participate in this event and enjoy the triumph of the turkey rice, and of course the turkey rice itself.
5. 深具原鄉特色的信義鄉聖誕節慶典,每年都吸引許多遊客,今年,主辦單位決定擴大,在聖誕節前一週週末,12月20號,加碼舉辦第一屆「玉山聖誕音樂節」,將在寬廣的羅娜布農花卉園區舉辦草地音樂會、點燈祈福、搖滾派對及部落市集等活動,希望讓更多民眾一起體驗原鄉聖誕夜的魅力!
The Christmas festive in Xinyi Township is renowned for its infusion of local elements, attracting loads of visitors each year. This year, the organizer of the event decided to expand the activity and start a new “Yu Shan Christmas Music Festival” on December 20th, a week before Christmas. They will be hosting this event on the vast grassy garden areas of Ronabrong and everyone can come and wish upon candles, enjoy 派對, and shop in the local market. Most of all, everyone will be able to enjoy a Christmas like no other the Taiwanese way.
6. 到日本東京玩,很多人會去新宿感受一下當地夜生活,而現在歌舞伎町最夯最流行的,就是機器人餐廳了。業者兩年前斥資一百億日圓打造機器人舞池,讓進場的觀眾樂翻天。機器人餐廳原本的目標群是上班族,不過現在已經轉型成婦女甚至小孩都能看的秀場,外國觀光客也絡繹不絕。
If you go to Tokyo Japan, you should go to Xinsu to experience their nightlife like so many other visitors do. When it comes to this, the most popular hit would be the robot restaurant. Owners of restaurants spent over 10 billion yen to develop robots capable of dancing in the dance floor and it thoroughly entertained the customers. The robot restaurant is originally aimed for the white collars as its target customer, but now it has transformed into a show that even women and children can enjoy. It has also brought in loads of visitors from other countries.